City Life
Come to the New West Side/Ann Arbor Alliance City Council Candidate Debate Wednesday, November 2. 7 pm - 8:30 at the Henderson Room of the Michigan League.
This debate is structured so that candidates must directly address the most important concerns for students and renters. For that reason, it is important that students and renters attend this event -- these groups can begin to shape the debate and the direction of politics within the city of Ann Arbor, an impact they have not had for about three decades. I just watched part of the League of Women Voters' Candidate Debate on CTN and I was fairly disappointed with the "debate" that ensued. Rich Birkett (Ind) worked to distinguish himself clearly from Leigh Greden, but much of the rest of the debate was bland discussion about things like working to preserve city services while keeping taxes from going up. I note in the latest Observer that there are still two leaf pickup dates for every neighborhood this year, while the Housing Inspection office has no appreciable presence within the city. And candidates should not expect softball questions about downtown density (with Bob Johnson calling 5-8 story buildings "tall.") Answer me this, candidates -- are you going to accept greater density in YOUR neighborhood? Will you see to it that EVERY neighborhood accepts greater density? Why or why not?
As a bonus, free food will be served at this event and attendees can submit questions for consideration at the debate itself. Don't miss this chance.
This debate is structured so that candidates must directly address the most important concerns for students and renters. For that reason, it is important that students and renters attend this event -- these groups can begin to shape the debate and the direction of politics within the city of Ann Arbor, an impact they have not had for about three decades. I just watched part of the League of Women Voters' Candidate Debate on CTN and I was fairly disappointed with the "debate" that ensued. Rich Birkett (Ind) worked to distinguish himself clearly from Leigh Greden, but much of the rest of the debate was bland discussion about things like working to preserve city services while keeping taxes from going up. I note in the latest Observer that there are still two leaf pickup dates for every neighborhood this year, while the Housing Inspection office has no appreciable presence within the city. And candidates should not expect softball questions about downtown density (with Bob Johnson calling 5-8 story buildings "tall.") Answer me this, candidates -- are you going to accept greater density in YOUR neighborhood? Will you see to it that EVERY neighborhood accepts greater density? Why or why not?
As a bonus, free food will be served at this event and attendees can submit questions for consideration at the debate itself. Don't miss this chance.
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